Quality Branding

    What is teambuilding and what forms of organization are the questions of concern. It can be said that at present, teambuilding has all the characteristics of traditional tourism. However, depending on the nature of the program, businesses will choose indoor or outdoor teambuilding. Those are also the two most popular forms of teambuilding today.

    1. Indoor teambuilding

    Indoor teambuilding are activities and games held inside spaces such as halls and meeting rooms, which do not require too many props. Usually, this form will be combined with seminars, conferences or training courses to immediately practice theory or simply to entertain, relax, and improve team spirit.

    What are the advantages of teambuilding when held indoors:

    • Save organization costs and travel time to the location
    • Save personnel in charge of the organization
    • Limit the effects of external factors such as rain, heat, etc.
    • Control more risks than other forms of teambuilding

    What are the disadvantages of teambuilding when held indoors:

    • The games will be limited by space
    • Lacks the nature of outdoor tourism
    • The script is less rich
    • Some attractive indoor teambuilding games such as matching pictures, sorting candy, stacking beer can towers, connecting words, dancing to music...

    2. Outdoor teambuilding

    Outdoor teambuilding are games held outside, not limited by space, separation or walls. Outdoor teambuilding activities are often more varied than indoors. The organization locations are also very diverse such as teambuilding in the mountains, teambuilding at the sea...

    What are the advantages of teambuilding when held outdoors:

    • The games are diverse and scenario building is also easier
    • The venue is diverse and convenient for designing games according to the common goals of the business
    • Suitable for businesses with small to many employees
    • Combine experiential travel for employees

    What are the disadvantages of teambuilding when held outdoors:

    • Organizational costs are quite high
    • Requires a thorough script
    • Many unpredictable risks easily arise
    • Passive before external problems

    Some attractive outdoor teambuilding games include: human tower formation, land boat racing, solidarity steps, three-legged running, archery... Besides, the organizers can also consider some Teambuilding activities with intellectual and physical games or games for children.