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    What to prepare when traveling to Nha Trang and where to go for fun

  • Friday, 16:24 Day 08/12/2023
  • Nha Trang is a tourist destination that attracts a large number of tourists from all over the country. So what do you need to prepare when traveling to Nha Trang and where to visit and have fun?

    Nha Trang tourism is a famous tourist destination throughout the country attracting a large number of domestic and foreign tourists. So to be able to travel to Nha Trang, what should tourists prepare when coming to this tourist destination and what places should they go to in Nha Trang to be able to have fun in this coastal city? Let's prepare with Ngoc Viet Travel for a trip to Nha Trang with all the necessary items when coming to this beautiful coastal city.

    Traveling to Nha Trang, what should tourists prepare for the trip?

    Surely before every trip, tourists have a lot of headaches in preparing furniture, luggage, and necessary items for the trip. If you are also wondering what items to choose for your upcoming Nha Trang tour, the following things will be the things you need to prepare for your upcoming trip.

    Cash and documents

    You don't need to prepare too much cash for your upcoming trip to Nha Trang, but don't forget to bring an ATM card so you can easily and conveniently pay for food and hotel expenses quickly. . In addition, necessary identification documents must be brought along such as: ID card/CCCD to be able to board a plane, train or check in for a hotel rental, motorbike rental, car rental or driver's license, passport These are necessary things you should bring with you.

    Appropriate travel attire

    When traveling to the beach, one thing is for sure: you cannot lack cool summer clothes such as: shorts for men, 2-string bikini skirts for women, straw hats, slippers... Depending on the trip I have estimated how long it will take you to prepare the most suitable clothes possible. A small suggestion is that you prepare to plan what to wear for each day of your Nha Trang tour. To not have to carry too many unused items but still ensure to have beautiful clothes for the trip.

    Necessary personal belongings

    You can put a few of your personal items into small bottles, making compact cosmetics for convenient carrying. Don't forget to bring necessary cosmetics, especially sunscreen, to keep your skin fresh and healthy throughout the trip.

    Useful technology equipment for the trip

    A backup charger is a very necessary item that will help you comfortably take photos throughout a long day of sightseeing and fun without worrying about your phone running out of battery. If you have a camera, don't forget to bring it along because Nha Trang will have countless places for you to take beautiful photos.

    Top places to visit and have fun for tourists traveling to Nha Trang

    The coastal city of Nha Trang will certainly have many places to visit and play for tourists. Here are the top places to visit and have fun that visitors should not miss.

    Ponagar tower

    Ponagar Tower is also known as Ponagar Cham Tower or Holy Mother Ana Tower. It is an important historical relic that needs to be preserved, depicting highlights of the ancient Champa culture that existed many centuries ago. Situated quietly on the Cai River with gentleness but with unique characteristics, Ponagar Tower easily attracts attention because of its unique architecture. It is not difficult for you to recognize the motifs of the fairy Ponagar, the god Tenexa, and many other important mascots in Cham people's beliefs meticulously carved on the body of the tower; Next to it are bas-reliefs recreating scenes of boating, hunting, and singing and dancing festivals of the ancient Cham people here.

    Aquarium Institute

    This is the answer to the question of where to go in Nha Trang for its unique attractions. For tourists with a passion for learning about marine plant and animal life, Nha Trang with the Nha Trang Institute of Oceanography is the ideal destination for you, answering tourists' questions about what to do when traveling to Nha Trang. Where to visit? Nha Trang Institute of Oceanography is located at 1, Cau Da, Tran Phu, Nha Trang city, storing over 20,000 specimens of more than 4,000 types of marine creatures.

    VinWonders entertainment paradise

    You cannot travel to Nha Trang without going to the entertainment paradise VinWonders Nha Trang. You will probably have to spend a whole day to experience and explore all the extremely exciting games and fun activities here. . VinWonders has an extremely large area of ​​over 50 hectares with 6 entertainment zones for visitors from water parks, adventure games to cultural and culinary discovery areas, so you can have fun to the fullest. here with relatives, family, friends.

    So, if you are still wondering what to prepare for your upcoming trip to Nha Trang and where to have fun, hopefully the above article will be somewhat helpful to you. Don't wait any longer, prepare your necessary luggage and come immediately to the beautiful coastal city of Nha Trang.